D / E
Killliste, 2015
'We will have tears in our eyes and hurt in our heart while blowing the targets brains out. We live in heroic and wild times. We are alive!'
The 'Killliste' is a death list (content), a network-protocol (software) and a electronic installation (hardware). Inspired by the defective death lists operated by the US secret service agencies and the military (ie. JPEL, Joint Prioritized Effects List), these lists are susceptible to interference (glitches) and their quality and safety is in a permanent state of insecurity and risk. The death list targets are algorithmically determined based on data related to the distribution and possession of capital. Currently there are 362 names on the 'Killliste'. The list is a fluid technical object consisting of data particles travelling anonymously and encryptedly through our networks (killlistste protocol). Within the materialized technical installation, four black Beagle Bone platforms (ARM® Cortex™-A8) are connected via serial port sending liquid data and guaranteeing that the file killliste.xls is in constant flow. Any hold-up, downtime or intervention leads to the loss of the encrypted file and the system collapses and self-destructs.
Statement #1
