HealNow Transcript

Hi, this is Fatima and I have kind of a "weird" health
story to share with you today...

It`s about how I became sane and fit from a serious
illness in just a few weeks...

And how my husband Moussa became healthy and fit
from a extremely painful mental illness at the same time...


How did we do it?

Well, we used some pretty unusual techniques
and tricks... almost the exact opposite of what
most popular health plans and treatments have you

And I'm sharing our stories because they're
probably similar to your own...


It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a gal...

Anyone who has struggled with their health or
wondered "Why am I still ill, why can i not heal now?"
will relate.

And by the end of this short but revealing
presentation (which will not be online for too long) I
will do a lot more than tell you our story...


I'll give YOU the solution we discovered and use
to this very day to stay in the best shape of our lives,
mentally and physically.

Again, this presentation will not be online forever,
so please watch it while you can...


The REAL reason you’re ill,
mentally challenged, or just uneasy about yourself...

It's probably not what you think!


Let's face it...

If you looked and felt your best,
you wouldn't be watching this.

You're here because you developed an ugly
and dangerous illness…


And you're tired of it.

Maybe you got it over the last 20 years…
maybe it's all new.

It doesn't matter.

Either way, you hate what you see when you look
at yourself in the mirror… or worse…


…you don't even look in mirrors anymore…
you don’t even want to go see a doctor or go to a
hospital anymore.

You're still very ill… feeling depressed and uncomfortable…
and you know that even if you got rid of your main illness
your underlying problem would return, over and over again.

You'd still be ill… feeling depressed…and in an even
worse condition than when you started…


You buy all the worthless drugs, treatments and
lab-tests and all you lose is the €250… € 1000…
or even €10,000 you spent.

If those health schemes and drugs and machines
actually worked…

You'd already have that wonderful and functioning
and healthy body of your dreams…


But THEY don't… and YOU don't

My husband Moussa and I are here to tell you…

You may be ill and in pain right now, but it’s not
your fault…


Don't spend another minute blaming yourself.

Health and Healthcare are a multi-billion euro industry.

It's run from big office buildings full of heartless
corporate number-crunchers…


They don't see you as a person…

Heck… they don't even see you as a costumer…

To them you're a number with euro sign attached to it.

In fact the dirty little secret they'll never tell you is…


The health industry
needs you to stay sick and in pain!

If you actually got better and got in the best
shape of your life… they’d lose a costumer!

Fail… and it's "cha-ching!" for them…


Now they can sell you the next
big thing. Then the next big thing
after that.

tests… pills… implants… injections…

All forms of therapies… MRTs/CTs… blood
tests… chemo therapy… tranquilizers…
treatments at health resorts…

The list goes on…


It's overwhelming… and confusing…

Well… for you that confusion ends…

Right now… right here…


Your original question was…

"Why am I still feeling sick, why I am still not fit?
Why is it, that the only thing getting lighter is my

There's 1 big reason you still don't have the
healthy body you truly deserve…


It's all because pretty much everything you've
heard up till now is dead wrong.

You're not healthy because the information you've
been relying on is bad information.

Some, like the big Drug Monopolies, blatantly lie to


Others, like your friends, just repeat the lie they
believe to be true.

Fraud or ignorance. Either way, years of
misinformation is largely the REAL reason for
the way you look and feel right now.

So… let's set you straight with…


The 5 big truths of fast &
permanent health…

Warning: This may contradict everything you
thought you knew about health, health care
and physical and mental treatments.

So… prepare yourself…


1. First it is a plain fact that it's health you
need to strive for… not some drugs fighting the symptoms.

If you actually gained health on most of the treatments
out there, you mostly attack superficial symptoms…
not the source of your disease.

You're not getting healthier…

You're just getting dangerously dehydrated,
over-drugged and over-treated!


2. Local drug treatments will NOT make you healthy in
the long run because they rob your body of energy,
making it too stressful to actually get better.

Therapy and other forms of treatment are worse,
putting even more risk of malady on you, …

you end up dealing with too many of the wrong
drugs, doctors, labs, clinics, rehabilitation facilities instead!

The only way to get wholesome is by taking the right
universal drugs and treatments, in the right amounts,
and at the right time.

Sounds complicated, I know…

but it's really simple!


3. Long, boring  rehabilitation sessions and long-term
drug treatments… four or even six times per week or even
daily is the worst way to get your universal health back.

And if you know this little secret, it's now possible
to get healthy and sane in just 45 minutes per week.

Not per day… I said WEEK!


4. Celebrity-endorsed health-care is expensive and slow.

That means you have to keep paying for months, even

Plus… the ads skip over the part about you still
having to buy your own medication, do your own sports!

That's hundreds more euros each month!


5. Restrictive health-care (no treatment at all) is not only
stupid and dangerous…

…but it doesn't really work!

Why go to work without treatment when there's a
universal way to " tickle your system" into getting sound
and well all  night long…

While you sleep the night away…


Now that YOU know the truth of how your health was
sabotaged before you even started it…

Now that YOU know what not to do if you ever
want to be fit…


It's time for you to know what you must do to stop
the illness right now… and keep it off forever.

What you must do to finally look and feel healthy…
sexy… in control…

Yes… we're talking about the simple, quick and
safe way I regained health from a terrible infection
in just 12 incredible weeks…


How can I make a claim
that bold AND specific?

Simple… I can make the claim because it's the truth.

Plus my husband (who you'll hear from in just a minute)
became even healthier than I did by copying my plan.

And remember… that's real universal health… not just
the over-the-counter health you get at your pharmacy
or at the hospital…


And you'll do it without depriving yourself of
dangerous and unhealthy behavior…

Without enduring thousands of pills…

Without rehabilitation routines and doctors visits.

Sounds crazy, I know…


But it's 100% real… and we're living proof!

It's simple, quick and safe when you turn your
body into a positive universal HealNow™ entity.

A disease-destroying machine that's guaranteed to
turn into a disintegrate proxy for health and joy
in just a few days.

Health we have kept… for good!


Can you imagine what bipolar disorder actually feels

I had no idea until my curious husband Moussa did a little

Here are a few shocking comparisons she came
up with…


rocky curves and roller-coasters of emotions… instead of stability…

voices in your head… instead of piece and calmness…

But here's the clearest comparison he found…

When he told me I was floored!


Catatonic behavior is equal to 48 hours of compulsion neuroses… yikes!

Imagine dealing with that, all day.

Now imagine how much better 
you'll look and feel when even half of that crazy,
dangerous, health-robbing paralization goes away… gone,


Your body and mind… healthy & strong… sexy & clean…

As you push the button that ignites your healing
you can begin to imagine yourself
healthier… happier… in control…

For the first time in a long time…

And… as the thought creeps into your head that
shedding this much mental and physical illness in a
safe, simple and speedy way can't really be possible…

Remember… my husband got rid of even more dangerous
health issues by copying my plan,
and we've kept it away for years!

And now, so have thousands of others (more on
that in just a minute)…


You really can create a brand-new, healthier you
in just a few weeks!

And it starts with the push of a button…


Skyrocket your energy!


Spend some fun time with your kids… or just watch
as your love life takes off like the space shuttle!


Boost your immune system!

That means you're healthier.

Looking better… feeling better… living better.

Say goodbye to those medical bills…

And say hello to freedom!


Straighten out that head of yours…
or better yet, get that mind strong determination!

You really can go from crazy and down to positive,
strong and sexy.

You can go from hiding behind your superficial personality
to become a seriously engaged and loved member
of your wonderful community…


Think it's impossible? Think again…

Because I did it… Moussa did it…

And now more than 50,000 others just like you
have copied my plan!

Now it's your turn…


"We stumbled onto the
15 Minute HealNow™ that
heals for 3 full days!"

No extreme, straining or painful treatments here…

You take our test, you live your life.
You use our solutions and we give you more
satisfaction six times per day.


No need for drugs, doctors, or rehab clinics…

This is a brand NEW way of treatment for about 15
minutes. just 2-3 days a week.

A plan that works with your hectic lifestyle!


A total mind & body transformation…

Choose to get over your psychosis or get rid of heart conditions.

Beginning with the simple push of a button, your
confidence and attitude get a huge boost!


You're healing 24/7…

Your body is now a health producing machine that engages
in healing with the solutions we offer while you watch TV…
sleep… or even while you eat!

How amazing is that?


A plan you can actually stay on forever!

HealNow™ is so simple… healthy… and fulfilling, you'll never
cheat on another treatment because you won't have to!

We'll talk more about that in just a second…

First, you really should know a little about us…


We're not scientists… we don't have PHDs.

I was a part time musician…

Played guitar and sang a little on the weekends…

But we are from Ramallah which means I also used
to be a cog in the wheel for some small company here
that got closed down …


But since discovering a whole new way of quick and
simple health I've made it my life's mission to
help others do the same.

I’m now an advocat of sorts, taking on the status
quo until every last victim of diseases gets that final


My husband Moussa works with me, but his other job is
the most important of all… he raises our children.

We're just a regular couple who, after a lot of
horrible treatments, hundreds of visits to doctors
and years in hospitals… a ton of trial an error…
and around €523,000 in wasted cash…

Discovering something that put FEAR in the eyes
of the pharma companies…


We discovered the TRUTH…
The map to Moussa's journey was sketched out when he
was just a kid.

He was kinda unhealthy and full of diseases most of my life…


As an infant it was constant sinusitis and bronchial spasm, mostly
in his chest as it seemed. Grandma took much joy in punching it…

By 8 his daily meds came from the "over-the-counter" section…

And by 12 he had to start using prescription meds…


At 13 his mom told him to stop taking these drugs…

He put him  in a health-care camp.

And his dad had him doing rehabilitation
for an hour at a clip, daily!

It felt like torture. But… did it work?


Well… you be the judge…

By the time he reached 30, his health was almost ruined
more than 30 different diseases over the last 10 years
what I remember is him as a total wreck…


Basically he was following what I call the "lifetime illness-
boost formula"…

Unhealthy + Time + Bad Advice = Disaster

If that doesn't ring a bell… if your story isn't
something similar, you're probably more like me



You see, my health issues are all pretty recent…

<!--Aaah my beautiful and naturally healthy bride, Fatima.

Yep… the dude with the chronic cough and the 90's
infections somehow landed himself an angel…-->


when we got married, My health was average…

Maybe just a few issues more than I would have preferred.
But I was perfect in my eyes.


I tried light psychotropic drugs … went to some of those
curly haired health gurus… even bought one of those asthma-
inhaler gadgets you see on TV…

But nothing worked for me…

A few years later, along came our second child, Rafi…


Followed by the cardiac support class… the anti-fatigue
course… the migraine meds… the herbal bowel helpers…
the self-help group-meetings… the antibiotics…

The whole affair came full circle when one day
I found myself snorting just a soft downer with some advil.

I literally said…

"Have I become my mother?"


I never fully lost control over my health,
gained that back… and more.

When the dust finally cleared I was
chronically ill with several diagnoses up my neck!


Baby + Baby + Bad Advice = Terrible Health

I jokingly call this "The Baby Formula"
now… and all that bad advice cost us plenty!

bought the drugs… we bought the machines… the
online plans… more books on alternative healing…
Health DVDs… the whole shebang.

Like I said earlier… over the years we spent more
than €523,000 on that stuff!


And what did we get out of it?

Most of the time we'd just gain a little instant health…
then almost immediately the disease was back with a

It felt like a terrifying roller-coaster ride…

I never admitted this to anyone before but, I felt so
embarrassed by it all…


I was actually on the brink of giving up completely…

Have you ever gotten to the point where you just
said to yourself…

"Screw it… I'll just be sick my whole life"?

It's a frightening thought… just deciding not to try


But I felt at least if I wasn't trying… I couldn't fail…

I could be the girl who pretends to be the happy,
jolly unhealthy girl… Even though you know you're
miserable on the inside.

I was just a thought or two away from ending up
like that…


But something happened that changed everything…

It's this seemingly tiny moment in time that
ultimately made me save my life…

And Moussa's life…


I looked into my son
Rafi's eyes… then it hit me…

I thought about the toll all my sicknesses
were taking on my health…

and what "not trying anymore" might
mean to him… and to Ghazal…

I told my husband I didn't want my kids
growing up feeling embarrassed
by their mother. Or worse…


i didn't want them growing up without a mother…

It turns out he was also afraid of never living long
enough to see his little girl's wedding.

I know these thoughts are kinda spooky to some, but
if you`re a parent, you know what we feel…


So… I Didn't Give Up…

I redoubled my efforts to find a cure from what I was
sure would ultimately kill me.

I threw away all the fad garbage…

The pre-packaged drugs… the worthless visits to the
doctors routines, the lab tests…


And through almost endless trial and error… and
consultations with drug pros who weren't part of
the corporate machine…

I stumbled onto a never-before-revealed pattern of
drugs and rehabilitation…

A simple and quick life adjustment that reduced
our diseases!


I had to stop taking drugs for months!

I'm not kidding when I say my health added up so fast
I literally had to stop the treatment for a while …


Discovering how to turn your body into a 33 day HealNow™
machine was the miracle and the feedback we got from the
QuickTest® was exactly what we were prying for…

After years of buying the pills, the potions, visiting the doctors…

Years of buying the BULLSHIT


I discovered the TRUTH about how your body and mind works…
and how, if you push the right button, it wants to be healthy
all the time.

when you drop the bull… drop the gizmos… drop
the dangerous fads…

And you begin this simple quick and safe health-plan, we
found your body and mind can naturally fight the disease for you…


And can replace that threat with smooth… free…
sexy… health.

We just pushed that button & WOW…

You're getting healthy and create sustainable
health and disease protection 24/7!

Now stay with me here…


I know… it's like nothing you've ever heard before…

It's not easy to accept that these years your
heath-treatments have done more harm than good.

Taking people who have thought one way their
whole lives…

And completely changing that thinking
was almost impossible in the beginning…


we had to rely on TRUST… and our
own incredible transformations as PROOF…


But today, we've helped over 500,000 men and
women all over the world, from almost every walk of

Over 500,000 happy
customers can't be wrong!


Yes… more than 500,000 average people have
simply, quickly and healthily copied my plan.

We'll show you more incredible success stories
from amazing people just like you.

People who had to rethink almost everything they
ever thought was fact…

throw away the
misinformation… and discover the uncorrupted


We'll get to some of those soon…

right now you're probably anxious to get started.

So push that button and…

Turn on YOUR Health engine and start!


Your 15 Minute Miracle!


Not another painful therapy…
But a simple new way of treatment…

Not another untested drug…
But a new proven way to change your life…


Still the only system of this kind…

That's right– nothing duplicates my HealNow™System.

You can feel great about your decision to now
possess the most powerful ways to…


Enlist open source drugs as a potent ally to fight diseases.
Stop processing yourself through dozens of doctors visits per week
and watch how your diseases can disappear!

Harness the power of this unusual celebrity
secret! It's been passed down for decades, and
will help you get healthy right now…


Never again suffer like you are going through chemo therapy
routine again.

The breakthrough that helps thousands
discover HealNow!™

Do what would harm you - Universal Health will protect you.
Now you could almost kill yourself …

And trick your body
and mind into fighting all resulting diseases for you!


Drop those medical bills… Faster, and easier than
you might have imagined! Oh how jealous they'll
all be of your new health…

Get a bit healthier, then get super-healthy! With HealNow!™,
the longer you stay on it, the less and less time it takes to
get healthy. Wow!


If you think I'm done… Think again!

We don't have to go on and on about how finally
getting in, or back in, the best health of your life is
beneficial to you.

we all know about heart disease… diabetes…
stroke… and the long list of other health problems
associated with non-universal health…


So… getting in great shape right now…

'That's a no brainer…

And… our HealNow™ Universal Health System
reveals all the secrets you can use to
design your world-class health, in mind and body, now…

And keep it that way… forever…



There are massive, specific benefits to you when
you get your brand new body using “The 15
Minute Miracle”…

 HealNow™ Universal Health System reveals it all…


22 of the flat out fastest health generating, body and mind
fixing, head turning diagnoses and treatments ever!

And I don't just explain them.

You'll get easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions,
photos and graphics…


the truth about how low treatment, low conventional
drug, and other restrictive therapies can absolutely
crush your metabolism and therefore your health!

And the proven tactics to avoid that "Up-Down"
negative health effects that keeps you going back to these
treatments time after time…


the secret to altering the two most effective treatments
into one…

Now you can discover HealNow™,
treating your body and mind… just twice per week.

Until now, this was completely unheard off!


The key to getting that stable mental state and this
excellent health status you always admired…

And this has nothing to do with doctors, labs,
pharmacies or any other profit driven enterprise.

In fact it's the only big mistake most health specialists
make… that you won't


The simple trick to separating the good treatments (those
that help you get your universal health) from the bad
treatments (those that created the diseased body
in the first place).

Get this wrong and your well-being will be disastrous
every single day.

Get it right and your health success is almost certain!


How the advice you get from all the top doctors
will actually make you get sick and sicker… not healthier.

How can so many get this wrong?

The answer to this and other questions will shock
and amaze you!


The secret about two well known, but often
overlooked substances you use everyday.

Once you harness this power, we found it feels
like you're taking magical substances that heal
and give you universal energy!

Get that unfair advantage… legally!


And So Much More!

I told you this was unlike any other health effort
out there… and I meant it!

We've specifically created the open source HealNow!™
system to be straight forward and easy to understand…


You quickly put it in place… and you're done.


Take all that extra time you would be spending
reading, counting pills, getting shots… waiting in hospitals …

And put that time into enjoying your new life…


Travel… see the world… make new friends… fall in love…

You deserve that. And you deserve a plan that can
get you there fast… Without taking a bunch of
your time and effort.

Securing your copy is simple… easy…

…and the cost is tiny…


How tiny?

Well… since Moussa's the one who loves to make
comparisons, I'm going to turn it over to him for a


How can I  compare HealNow™ Universal Health,
the 15 Minute Miracle, to anything else on the
market today?

Really I can't

There is no other sytem that is as simple, quick
and safe as this one…

And comes with so much proof that it really


So… let's compare pricing instead…

If you wanted to create this system from the ground
up, you'd spend thousands hunting down, then
hiring the right specialists… the right consultants.
Plus you'd put in far too many extra hours
discovering all the secrets those professionals don't
even know about…


Fatima and I personally spent more than €230,000.00
over the years on fad diets and wasted infomercial

On top of that she clocked in hundreds of hours in
libraries researching, before he discovered the

Do you have that kind of time and money?


A few years ago, before Fatima made this discovery,
I was shopping around for a private doctor…

I figured if it worked for the Hollywood celebrities it
might work for me.

And it really might have.

I'll never know, because…


Do you have any idea how much a private
doctor costs?

€260.00 for one visit… MINIMUM!

At just three visits per week that's €40,560.00 per

And we're in Ramallah! If you live in a real big city
somewhere I bet it's a lot more than that…


€260.00 is more than I spend at the hair salon, barber shiatsu
and yoga combined…

And I only go there once per week.

No way could I afford to pay that much!

Can you?


And those so-called "health gurus"? Don't get
me started on them! To say their treatments are
suspicious  is an understatement.

From what my friends tell me their advice
often sounds like this… "Stick with us… just buy
more of our supplements, spiritual drugs and
therapy sessions!"

Gurus? More like salespeople! No Thank you!


We agree boxed drugs & industry treatments
are too expensive…

… and just not right for you.

Now… let's talk a minute about all the money you're
throwing away by by carrying around these diseases…


How much more you're going to have to spend on
doctors… hospital visits… even just missed work
because you are mentally ill?

The cost is endless…

Plus the human toll… how much is your life worth


If you were lying in a hospital and the end was
near… how much would you gladly pay for an extra
year… or even a week?

Now what if you could have all of it for less than
the price of just one visit to your doctor?


More in-depth universal health knowledge than
a €260.00 per hour doctor…

More uncorrupted health info than a €250 per
session therapist…

No more doctor visits… No more therapies…
No more searching for the next big drug hit…


Shopping again in regular stores… and walking
like a normal person instead of starving in a wheelchair.

A longer, healthier life.

Don't you deserve a good shot at that!

All for less than the price of one hour with a doctor…

How'd I do, Fatima?



But you forgot to mention we're taking all the risk…


Alright, we have 2 OPTIONS…

So let's go ahead and choose the option that's
best for you…


Option 1:
With the HealNow™ Universal Health Deluxe Package,
you're getting…

1. My step-by-step HealNow™
blueprint (€160 Value)

2. 3 months of eMail coaching
(€190 Value)

A Deluxe Value of €350

today €97.99…


Option 2:
With the HealNow™ Universal Health Ultimate Package,
you're getting…

1. Everything in the Deluxe
package (€350 Value)

2. 9 more months of eMail
Coaching (€570 Value)

An Ultimate Value Of €970…

today €199.99…


For a limited time through this presentation only,
upgrade to the Ultimate Package FREE…


today… €97.99


Even better is that you're going to be downloading
your copy right to your computer (don't worry, it's
easy, and I'll personally show you exactly how to do
this) and you have FREE access to our members only


Nothing needs to be mailed, so you get instant

How cool is that?


And it's just a ONE-TIME FEE, you will never be
billed again for anything, so you can feel safe
when ordering today…


We're doing this for a VERY specific reason…

All the marketing consultants I spoke to said the
only way to market anything to the sick and
mentally ill crowd is to follow the pack.

"Don't re-invent the wheel! Just rename an old
cure and throw in some regular meds and call it a day…"


But we couldn't do that.

It wasn't too long ago we were just like you.

We know exactly what you're going through…

So… not only do we want to be like a beacon of
hope in this huge sea of misinformation…


We want to show all those marketing experts that
good old fashioned truth is more powerful
than some gimmick.

Because of what, we want to get the HealNow!™
Universal Health system into as many hands as
possible in as short a time as possible…


Now maybe WE can start a trend…

Maybe the Marketeers will follow us instead.

You see… we don't care if we're not number one.
We don't care if we don't make a fortune doing this.
We want the industry to change.

Okay… maybe we're just naive… maybe there's no
hope for that…


But Moussa and I think it's worth a shot

So you can feel happy when helping us out today.

You don't care a bit about changing the industry? At
least care about changing yourself…


Want to change simply, quickly
and safely with the HealNow™ plan?


You can experience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
health, incredible!

And this is pure mental and physical health too,
not just temporary removal of some symptoms…


You get a full year of personal e-mail coaching:

If at any point you have a question about any part
of this simple system, drop us a note and either
Fatima, I or a team member will personally respond.

This is our private e-mail address, not some dead
link to an robot…


You get a full year of product updates:

Even though we believe this is the best health
system on the planet, I'm always studying and
searching to find faster, easier and longer-lasting
ways to improve health and keep diseases off.

Others might charge you for these updates. But not
 HealNow™ - For a full year, all updates are FREE,
when you act now!


You get the HealNow™ Ultimate Success Toolkit:

I'm talking about the progress trackers for all
levels of experience so you can keep tabs on your

The metabolic rate calculator which helps you get
a handle on what you'll be doing each day…


And that's just for starters!

You also get the mental health analyzer to make
sure you're mentally sane at all times and won't be
tricked by your peers or by the experts any longer…

All for the low price of €97.97 through this presentation…

If you act real fast…


That's less than the cost of some greasy dinner for
two at your corner restaurant or some cheap anti-reflux drug
from your local pharmacy!

Please get in now before the price goes back up
to €199.99…


You're at a crossroad…

One direction leads to the same old disaster.

It's you doing exactly what you've done in the past.

Hoping against all odds that this time will be the
time it finally works…


You know… the definition of insanity is doing the
same thing over and over again expecting different

You need to stop the insanity and take the other


The road that leads to a NEW body and mind…
a NEW outlook… a NEW confidence…

A road paved with hundreds of hours of research, heartache and
trial-and-error worth €230,000.00

A road proven to carve the illness out of your brain
and blow the disease out of your body with force


The road that leads straight to a brand-new you…

And as you're thinking about putting this system to
work for you, you can begin to imagine how
amazing you will soon feel …

…and how sexy, vibrant and alive you will be when
others compliment you on your sanity and health.
You can begin to feel really confident and comfortable
in your brand new you…


I know you realize how important it is for you to
do this for your family life…

For your social life…

For your love life.

But most important is that you realize you must do this
for no one else but YOU, right now.…


Go Ahead And


…and let's get started on YOUR NEW FUTURE…

Right Now